Tag Archives: Material Handling

Enhancing Operational Agility with Advanced Pallet Jack Battery Solutions

In the current competitive environment, businesses need to be agile and adaptable to stay ahead. This is especially true in the logistics and warehousing industries, where speed and efficiency are crucial. Pallet jacks play a vital role in supporting this operational agility. These versatile tools help move heavy loads quickly and easily, allowing warehouses to operate smoothly and efficiently. The battery systems that power pallet jacks are also essential, as they provide the necessary energy to keep these machines running throughout the day. By investing in a high-quality pallet jack battery and maintaining their systems, businesses can improve their operational agility.

Advancements in Pallet Jack Battery Technology

Technology has advanced, and the battery options for pallet jacks have improved as well. Lead-acid batteries were commonly used in the past, but they have some drawbacks. They can be bulky, need frequent maintenance, and don’t last as long as newer battery types.

Fortunately, newer battery technologies are now available that can address these issues. Lithium-ion batteries, for example, are much lighter and more compact than lead-acid batteries. They also have a longer runtime and can be recharged more quickly, allowing pallet jacks to operate for longer periods without needing to be plugged in. Additionally, lithium material handling batteries require less maintenance and have a longer overall lifespan.

Other emerging battery technologies, such as advanced lead-acid or even fuel cell systems, are also being explored for use in pallet jacks. These pallet jack battery solutions can further enhance the operational agility of warehouses and logistics operations by providing even more power, efficiency, and flexibility.

Considerations for Implementing Advanced Pallet Jack Batteries

When it comes to implementing advanced pallet jack battery solutions, there are several factors to consider. By taking the time to assess your needs, research your options, calculate costs and savings, and provide proper training, you can ensure a smooth transition to newer, more efficient battery technologies.

  1. Assess Your Needs

The first step is to understand what your operation requires. How many pallet jacks do you have? What are the typical daily usage patterns? Do you have any unique requirements or challenges that need to be addressed? By answering these questions, you can better determine which battery type and capacity will best suit your needs.

  1. Research Options

Once you have a clear understanding of your requirements, it’s time to research the different battery options available. Lithium-ion batteries are a popular choice due to their lightweight, compact size, and long runtime. However, there are also other emerging technologies, such as advanced lead-acid or fuel cell systems, that may be worth considering. Look at different brands and models, and compare their features, performance, and pricing.

  1. Calculate Costs and Savings

Implementing new battery technology for your pallet jacks will require an upfront investment. However, it’s important to consider the long-term savings as well. Lithium material handling batteries, for example, may have a higher initial cost than lead-acid batteries, but they can provide significant savings over time due to their longer lifespan and reduced maintenance requirements. Additionally, the increased efficiency and runtime of advanced batteries can lead to improved productivity and reduced downtime, further enhancing your return on investment.

  1. Training

Finally, it’s necessary to ensure that your staff is properly trained on, how to use and maintain the new battery systems. This includes understanding proper charging procedures, recognizing signs of wear or damage, and following safety protocols. By providing complete training, you can help extend the lifespan of your batteries and ensure that your pallet jacks continue to operate at peak efficiency.

Benefits of Advanced Pallet Jack Battery Solutions

Implementing advanced battery solutions for pallet jacks can provide various benefits, from improved operational efficiency to enhanced sustainability. By understanding these advantages, you can make a more informed decision about upgrading your battery systems.

  • Improved Runtime and Operational Efficiency

One of the most significant benefits of advanced battery technologies, such as lithium-ion, is their extended runtime. These batteries can power pallet jacks for longer periods without the need for recharging, allowing your operation to run more efficiently and with less downtime. This can increase productivity and improve overall performance.

  • Faster Charging Times and Reduced Downtime

In addition to longer runtimes, advanced batteries also offer faster charging times. Lithium-ion batteries, for example, can be recharged much more quickly than traditional lead-acid batteries. This means that your pallet jacks can spend less time plugged in and more time moving loads, reducing downtime and improving overall efficiency.

  • Reduced Maintenance Requirements and Costs

Another key advantage of advanced battery solutions is their reduced maintenance requirements. Lead-acid batteries often need regular maintenance, such as watering and cleaning, to function optimally. Lithium-ion and other newer battery types require much less maintenance, saving time and money for your operation. This can also help extend the overall lifespan of batteries, providing even greater cost savings in the long run.

  • Enhanced Sustainability and Environmental Friendliness

Advanced battery solutions can also contribute to the sustainability and environmental friendliness of operation. Many newer battery types, such as lithium-ion, are more energy-efficient and have a lower environmental impact than traditional lead-acid batteries. Additionally, some advanced batteries can be more easily recycled at the end of their lifespan, also reducing their environmental footprint.

By taking advantage of these benefits, you can improve the overall performance and efficiency of your pallet jacks while also contributing to a more sustainable future for your business and the environment.

Real-World Examples

Many companies and industries have already reaped the benefits of implementing advanced pallet jack battery solutions. One notable example is a large retail distribution center that recently upgraded to lithium-ion batteries. By doing so, they were able to reduce their maintenance costs and downtime significantly. The lightweight and compact nature of lithium-ion batteries also allowed them to optimize their storage space and improve overall efficiency.

Another success story comes from a manufacturing plant that faced challenges with its lead-acid batteries. The frequent maintenance and short runtime could have improved their productivity. After switching to lithium material handling batteries, they experienced a dramatic improvement in runtime and a reduction in maintenance requirements. This allowed them to keep their pallet jacks running for longer periods without interruption, boosting overall efficiency and productivity.

These examples demonstrate the real-world benefits of implementing advanced battery solutions for pallet jacks. By investing in newer technologies like lithium-ion, companies can improve their operational agility, reduce costs, and enhance sustainability. As more businesses recognize the advantages of these solutions, we expect to see widespread adoption across various industries in the coming years.


Improving the operational agility of warehousing is necessary for businesses to stay competitive. Pallet jacks play an important role in supporting this agility, and the advancements in battery technology have made them even more efficient and versatile.

By implementing advanced battery solutions, such as lithium-ion or other emerging technologies, companies can enjoy a range of benefits, including improved runtime, faster charging times, reduced maintenance, and enhanced sustainability. These improvements can lead to increased productivity, lower costs, and a more efficient overall operation. As businesses continue to adapt to the changing landscape, investing in pallet jack battery solutions can be a strategic move to gain a competitive edge.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Upgrading to Lithium Pallet Jack Batteries

Lithium Batteries

In warehouses, pallet jack batteries are essential for smooth operations. These batteries power pallet jacks, which handle transporting goods efficiently, from heavy loads to navigating tight spaces. 

The Role of Pallet Jack Batteries in Warehouse Operations:

Warehouse operations rely on batteries to power the machines that move goods. Lithium-ion battery solutions can improve efficiency, reduce downtime, and save costs. This blog explores the importance of pallet jack batteries, the available types, and the benefits of upgrading to lithium-ion batteries for warehouses of all sizes.

Understanding Batteries – Types and Benefits: 

These are special batteries that power pallet jacks, which move warehouse goods. They give the energy needed to lift heavy loads and move pallets efficiently, keeping operations smooth in logistics centers.

There are two main types:

Lead-Acid Batteries: These are traditional and affordable. They are strong but need more upkeep and last less time.

Lithium-Ion Batteries: These are newer and perform better. They are lighter, which makes moving easier and reduces tiredness. They last longer, need less upkeep, and charge faster, also reducing downtime.

The efficiency of batteries affects how well warehouses work. Good batteries keep operations going without breaks for charging or fixing, boosting overall productivity. Choosing the right battery type can save money and improve efficiency over time.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Upgrading to Lithium-Ion Pallet Jack Batteries

When comparing lithium-ion pallet jack batteries to traditional lead-acid batteries, it’s crucial to consider factors including initial costs, maintenance expenses, and long-term savings.

Initial Cost Comparison

Lithium-ion batteries generally have a higher initial cost due to their advanced technology and benefits. Prices can vary based on voltage and capacity:

Battery TypeVoltageCapacity (Ah)Initial Cost per Unit ($)
Lithium-Ion24V100$1,500 – $2,000
Lead-Acid24V250$600 – $800

Example: Assume a 24V lithium-ion pallet jack battery with a capacity of 100Ah costs between $1,500 to $2,000 per unit, while a 24V lead-acid battery with a capacity of 250Ah costs between $600 to $800 per unit. Prices can vary based on supplier, capacity, and specific requirements.

Long-Term Cost Savings: 

  1. Maintenance and Replacement Cycles:

Lithium-Ion Batteries: These batteries need very little maintenance.
For this analysis, we estimate the annual maintenance cost to be approximately $50 per battery.

Lead-Acid Batteries: Require regular maintenance such as watering and cleaning. Assume annual maintenance costs average $100 per battery.

  1. Calculation of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) over 5 Years:

Lithium-Ion Batteries:

  • Initial cost per unit: $1,500 – $2,000
  • Annual maintenance cost per unit: $50
  • Estimated battery lifespan: 5-10 years
  • Total maintenance cost per unit over 5 years: $50 × 5 = $250
  • Total TCO per unit over 5 years: Initial cost + maintenance cost + (Annual maintenance cost × Remaining years of lifespan)

Example calculation:

  • For an initial cost of $1,500, TCO = $1,500 + $250 + ($50 × 2 years) = $1,850
  • For an initial cost of $2,000, TCO = $2,000 + $250 + ($50 × 2 years) = $2,300

Lead-Acid Batteries:

  • Initial cost per unit: $600 – $800
  • Annual maintenance cost per unit: $100
  • Estimated battery lifespan: 3-5 years
  • Total maintenance cost per unit over 5 years: $100 × 5 = $500
  • Total TCO per unit over 5 years: Initial cost + maintenance cost + (Annual maintenance cost × Remaining years of lifespan)

Example calculation:

  • For an initial cost of $600, TCO = $600 + $500 + ($100 × 1 year) = $1,200
  • For an initial cost of $800, TCO = $800 + $500 + ($100 × 1 year) = $1,300
Battery TypeInitial Cost Range ($)Maintenance Cost per Year ($)Total TCO over 5 Years ($)Benefit Compared to Lead-Acid ($)
Lithium-Ion$1,500 – $2,000$50$1,850 – $2,300Lower maintenance costs, longer lifespan
Lead-Acid$600 – $800$100$1,200 – $1,300Lower initial cost


  • Initial Cost: Lithium-ion batteries cost more at the start because of their advanced technology, while lead-acid batteries are cheaper initially.
  • Long-Term Savings: Lithium-ion batteries require less maintenance and have a longer lifespan, resulting in a lower total cost of ownership over 5 years compared to lead-acid batteries.
  • Benefit Analysis: Despite higher initial costs, lithium-ion batteries offer significant benefits in reduced maintenance costs and longer lifespan, contributing to overall cost savings and operational efficiency.

Essential Considerations When Choosing Pallet Jack Batteries:

Choosing the right batteries for warehouse operations depends on several factors:

Warehouse Size and Layout

  • Space: Smaller warehouses benefit from compact batteries that save space. Larger warehouses need batteries with higher capacity for longer distances.

Frequency and Intensity of Use

  • Usage: High-frequency and intensive use requires batteries that can handle multiple cycles without slowing down. Occasional use may be managed with standard batteries if well-maintained.

Safety and Compliance

  • Safety: Lithium-ion batteries require careful handling due to their chemical nature. Lead-acid batteries need proper disposal. Both must meet safety regulations.

Example Scenario:

In a medium-sized warehouse:

  • Layout: Narrow aisles need compact batteries for easy maneuvering.
  • Usage: Daily high use demands durable batteries that recharge quickly.
  • Safety: Following safety guidelines ensures safe battery handling

Matching battery type to warehouse needs—considering size, usage patterns, and safety—enhances operation efficiency and safety.

Conclusion: The Benefits of Lithium Pallet Jack Batteries

Switching to lithium batteries offers many benefits for warehouses. These batteries last longer, charge faster, need less maintenance, and improve efficiency, making them a great choice.

Summary of Benefits:

  • Longer Lifespan: They last much longer than traditional batteries, so you will only need to replace them sometimes.
  • Faster Charging: They charge quickly, reducing downtime and keeping your operations running smoothly.
  • Less Maintenance: They require very little upkeep, saving you time and money.
  • Better Performance: They are lightweight and powerful, making your equipment more efficient.

By choosing lithium batteries for pallet jack operations, your warehouse can run more smoothly and save money in the long run. This upgrade not only boosts productivity but also supports a more sustainable and environmentally friendly operation.

Regional Gateway: Managing the Transition

July 2, 2024 – Green Cubes Technology was featured in the Regional Gateway, the world’s largest industry media portfolio dedicated to regional and business airports. Read here to find out how ground support equipment (GSE) suppliers and operators have an important role to play in ensuring the aviation industry’s net zero goals are met.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance, and high-quality power solutions since 1986.

Workplace Material Handling & Safety: Green Cubes Technology Announces Batteries for Motive Power Applications

June 26, 2024 – Green Cubes Technology is making headlines in Workplace Material Handling & Safety! Discover their latest announcement on batteries designed for motive power applications, offering powerful and efficient energy solutions. Learn how Green Cubes Technology continues to innovate and lead in the industry. Read the full article here.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance, and high-quality power solutions since 1986.

Modern Materials Handling: Lift Truck Batteries Get a Jolt

June 26, 2024 – Green Cubes Technology is featured in the latest article on Modern Materials Handling! Discover how their innovative lift truck batteries are revolutionizing the industry by providing powerful, efficient solutions for material handling. Read the full story to learn about the latest advancements and how Green Cubes Technology is driving the future of lift truck batteries. Check out the article here.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance, and high-quality power solutions since 1986.

Green Cubes Demonstrates Suite of Lithium Battery Solutions at MODEX 2024

As electrification of material handling equipment continues to gain traction, Green Cubes offers new battery and charger technology roadmaps and best practices to ensure safety and sustainability for electric fleets.

March 8, 2024 –  Green Cubes Technology (Green Cubes), the leader in producing Lithium-ion (Li-ion) power systems that facilitate the transition from lead-acid batteries and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to green Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery power, today announced it will demonstrate its suite of Lithium SAFEFlex Batteries and Chargers, including its recently announced Lithium SAFEFlex PLUS Batteries, SAFEFlex Chargers and Industrial Swappable Batteries at MODEX 2024 in booth B2607. Green Cubes will also present a roadmap for the latest sustainable technology for material handling best practices and results from the adoption of Lithium-ion batteries in material handling equipment. The presentation is on Wednesday, March 13 at 11:30 a.m. in the Sustainability Theater. 

For over 35 years, Green Cubes has been on the forefront of electrification innovations. The company recently celebrated a decade of motive power technology leadership for material handling and ground support equipment with its flagship suite of Lithium SAFEFlex Battery solutions, designed to meet the cost, performance, efficiency, and durability requirements of the rugged warehouse, distribution, and airport environments. For more information, visit: https://greencubes.com/products/batteries/

With an enhanced feature set developed based on 10 years of experience with the groundbreaking Lithium SAFEFlex product line, Lithium SAFEFlex PLUS is a comprehensive battery solution designed to meet the cost, performance, efficiency and durability requirements of the rugged warehouse environment. FBP2 series Lithium SAFEFlex battery systems are high cycle life, low maintenance solutions for industrial vehicles with a broad specification range to fulfill the most demanding requirements. The modular design facilitates family safety certifications and the drop in replacement batteries make upgrading from Lead Acid to Lithium simple. The batteries are sized to fit the standard material handling lead acid battery compartment, along with meeting the truck battery weight requirements. For more information, visit: https://greencubes.com/product/safeflexplus/

The Lithium SAFEFlex Battery Charger is designed to operate with Material Handling (MH). This charger has universal AC power input and CANBus communications with the battery, has a touchscreen display, provides unity power factor with very low iTHD which results in very high charging efficiency, and has the smallest footprint in the MH industry. For more information, visit: https://greencubes.com/product/lithium-safeflex-chargers-fbc-series/

The Green Cubes swappable battery platform is a complete pre-engineered energy storage power system available to industrial workstation manufacturers to save time and money for their product’s system design. The battery, power system controller and charger enable electrification of non-powered OEM mobile workstations. For more information, visit: https://greencubes.com/product/24v-industrial-swappable-battery-2440/

On Wednesday, March 13 at 11:30 a.m. in the Sustainability Theater, Green Cubes will present a roadmap for the latest sustainable technology for material handling best practices and results from the adoption of Lithium-ion batteries in material handling equipment. Robin Schneider, Director of Marketing of Green Cubes, will profile emerging battery and charger technology and present a case study, with an emphasis on demonstrating what benefits enterprise customers recognized when they implemented Lithium-ion platforms. Lithium-ion batteries have become an increasingly common choice for powering material handling equipment (MHE), from larger Class 1 forklifts to smaller Class 3 pallet jacks. Now that Li-ion batteries have an attachment rate with electric MHE estimated between 15 and 25 percent, the technology has changed from an early adopter novelty to mainstream. With Li-ion technology, fleets will have a lower total cost of ownership and achieve environmental and sustainability goals, taking advantage of incentives and vouchers. However, to make the transition seamless, it is important to understand the best practices in implementing this technology.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality power solutions since 1986.

Green Cubes Technology Announces Lithium SAFEFlex PLUS Batteries for Motive Power Applications

As electrification of material handling equipment continues to gain traction, Green Cubes offers modular battery technology to ensure safety and sustainability for electric fleets.

March 5, 2024 – Green Cubes Technology (Green Cubes), the leader in producing Lithium-ion (Li-ion) power systems that facilitate the transition from lead-acid batteries and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to green Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery power, today announced Lithium SAFEFlex PLUS Motive Power Lithium Batteries. The batteries are sized to fit the standard material handling lead acid battery compartment and meet truck battery weight requirements.

“With an enhanced feature set developed based on ten years of experience with the groundbreaking Lithium SAFEFlex product line, Lithium SAFEFlex PLUS is a comprehensive battery solution designed to meet the cost, performance, efficiency and durability requirements of the rugged warehouse environment,” said Robin Schneider, Director of Marketing for Green Cubes. “The Lithium SAFEFlex PLUS drop-in replacement batteries make upgrading from Lead Acid to Lithium simple and the modular design improves serviceability and facilitates family safety certifications.”

The battery’s flexible design is ideal for high current truck applications and will perform safely and efficiently even in extreme low temperature cold storage operations. Additional features include modular design with individual cell monitoring, distributed BMS intelligence and data logging, advanced Wi-Fi connectivity and network security protocols. Charge ports or single-point battery connection replicates today’s lead acid without special truck or charger modifications.

Lithium SAFEFlex PLUS Motive Power Lithium Batteries will be available for shipment in 36V and 48V models in the second half of the year. For more information, visit: https://greencubes.com/product/safeflexplus/. To request a quote, visit: https://greencubes.com/request-quote/.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality power solutions since 1986.

Green Cubes Announces Battery Pack to Power Computer Cart Systems

Slim, rugged portable pack is UL-certified to power multiple devices at different voltages with built-in DC adapters.

February 29, 2024 – Green Cubes Technology (Green Cubes), the leader in producing lithium-ion power systems that facilitate the electrification of mobile workstations, today announced the Green Cubes Power Bank, a slim, rugged portable battery pack to extend the runtime of laptops and small computer systems. 

“Powering a laptop or computer system has never been easier using the adjustable DC output from the Power Bank,” said Robin Schneider, Director of Marketing for Green Cubes. “Simply connect any commercial power supply up to 100W with a USB-C connection for dependable, extended power.”

With a universal DC output and built-in charger, the Power Bank simplifies running mobile computing platforms for longer with a fully configurable output voltage and 230 Whr capacity rating.

“The Power Bank features two independent DC outputs and built-in DC regulators, so multiple devices can be powered at different voltages from the same battery,” said Wayne Pavlovic, Founder and CTO for Simplifi Medical. “We simply program the voltage of the battery to the requirement of our devices, and we can power a monitor and a micro-PC from the same battery pack on our portable medical cart.”

The Green Cubes Power Bank is now available for implementation with OEM cart systems. 

More information can be found at https://greencubes.com/product/green-cubes-industrial-power-bank/.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality power solutions since 1986.

Forklift Action – Li-ion: Key Factors to Consider for Lift Truck Batteries

February 21, 2024 – Discover the key factors to consider when choosing lithium-ion batteries for your lift trucks in the latest article from Forklift Action. From efficiency and lifespan to safety and maintenance, find out how Li-ion technology is revolutionizing the forklift industry with Green Cubes Technology. Read the full article here!


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance, and high-quality power solutions since 1986.

Revolutionizing Materials Handling: Green Cubes Technology’s Innovative Solutions

February 16, 2024 – Check out the latest Forklift Action article featuring Green Cubes Technology! Dive into the world of specialized materials handling environments, where unique challenges demand innovative solutions. From rough terrains to explosive-proof environments, and from accessibility issues to hygiene standards, Green Cubes is at the forefront with their lithium SAFEFLex batteries, offering efficient and safe operation even in the coldest environments. Discover how these cutting-edge technologies are transforming industries and boosting efficiency. Read more here.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance, and high-quality power solutions since 1986.

Green Cubes Technology Featured in February 2024 Material Handling Wholesaler

February 8, 2024 – Unveiling the future of material handling: Green Cubes Technology introduces Lithium Safeflex Batteries and Chargers! Dive into the latest edition of Material Handling Wholesaler to explore how these groundbreaking products are reshaping efficiency and safety standards in the industry. Click here to learn more about the game-changing technology driving sustainable logistics forward and see how you can visit Green Cubes’ booth at Modex 2024.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality power solutions since 1986.

Green Cubes Closes out 2023 with 10,000 Lithium SAFEFlex Battery Units Sold, Totaling 297MWh

The milestone follows the company’s celebration of ten years of motive power technology leadership for material handling and ground support equipment with Lithium SAFEFlex.

December 13, 2023 – Green Cubes Technology (Green Cubes), the leader in producing Lithium-ion (Li-ion) power systems that facilitate the transition from lead-acid batteries and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to green Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery power, today announced the 10,000th sale of its Lithium SAFEFlex Battery. This flagship suite of solutions is designed to meet the cost, performance, efficiency, and durability requirements of the rugged warehouse, distribution, and airport environments. Lithium SAFEFlex industrial lithium battery systems are designed as drop-in replacements for traditional Lead acid batteries. They eliminate the need for watering and battery swaps and increase equipment up-time with fast opportunity charging.

This significant milestone was achieved shortly after the company celebrated a decade of motive power technology leadership with its flagship suite of electrification solutions for the material handling industry. Measured by total power shipped, the 10,000 batteries represent 297 Mega Watt Hours (MWh) which is enough to power 110 thousand pallet jacks, 27 thousand end riders, 12 thousand reach trucks, or 9 thousand Class 1 trucks.

“This achievement was made possible by the tireless efforts of Green Cubes’ world-class team,” said Michael Walsh, Chief Executive Officer for Green Cubes. “We are passionate about meeting our customers’ ever-increasing needs for high-quality state-of-the-art Li-ion power for motive equipment.”

In 2024, Green Cubes will continue to invest in technology innovation and manufacturing excellence while expanding its service and customer application infrastructure. Green Cubes recently added a 36,000-square-foot facility to produce Lithium SAFEFlex batteries and house engineering and service talent to support customers. Additionally, Green Cubes established a new Technology Center in Switzerland, to focus on product innovation. Together these teams are working to improve technology and service offerings based on a decade of field learning and experience.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality power solutions since 1986.