Tag Archives: Material Handling

Ground Handling International: Robin Schneider Talks Li-ion Batteries vs Lead Acid Batteries

Robin Schneider, Green Cubes Director of Marketing, describes the reliable and cost-saving factors of Li-ion batteries over Lead Acid batteries.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power.  Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries.  With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information about Green Cubes Technology, visit www.greencubes.com.

MHI Annual Fall Conference Report – Spotlight Shines on Electrification of Material Handling Equipment

Robin Schneider, Green Cubes Director of Marketing

Earlier this month I attended the Fall 2023 MHI Annual Conference, an interactive thought leadership event for manufacturing, material handling, and supply chain professionals that focuses on the technology innovation taking place across the supply chain industry. As Vice Chair of the Advanced Energy Council, which was established earlier this year to represent the companies that produce, implement, and support advanced energy technologies and accessories with the intention of being inclusive of current and future motive energy storage technologies, we are observing more and more interest in electrification of material handling equipment. Following many decades of electric forklifts’ engineering evolution based on the single power source technology (the lead-acid battery), electric lift trucks have finally adopted a new power source: a lithium-ion battery pack. The benefits of lithium solutions are well-known by now: longer runtime and cycle life, less maintenance, and improved sustainability. Lithium batteries provide a better return on investment, the ability to optimize critical real property space, and enable the use of Automated Guided Vehicles and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AGVs and AMRs), which rely heavily on durable, “hands-off” lithium batteries. Now that lithium batteries can be an integral part of a lift truck, and there is the option of using a third-party modular lithium battery pack made by a specialist company there is a need to establish standard vocabulary within the industry. How is “chassis Integrated” different from “CAN Integrated” and what exactly does it mean for the lithium battery to be “drop-in”? Will a chassis-integrated or a modular battery pack become the standard? These questions turn out to be pivotal for the development of material handling equipment. In consumer devices powered by lithium batteries (like cell phones), an integrated battery is a standard choice today. A user does not need to pick and choose among multiple options or perform any maintenance on the battery; one size fits all users. But with professional tools and equipment, a modular detachable battery usually does a better job. These different approaches are highly relevant to material handling equipment. Ready to learn more? Contact us now!

Material Handling Network: Evolving Power – Battery Options Continue to Grow

Green Cubes’ Marketing Director Robin Schneider was interviewed for Material Handling Network’s cover story on evolving power for material handling equipment.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power.  Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries.  With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information about Green Cubes Technology, visit www.greencubes.com.

Green Cubes Technology To Demonstrate Ground Support Equipment Batteries at the International GSE Expo

The company will demonstrate batteries for electronic ground support equipment as airports and airfields across the world are switching to electric vehicles to save energy, money, and the environment.

Green Cubes Technology (Green Cubes), the leader in producing Lithium-ion (Li-ion) power systems that facilitate the transition from lead acid batteries and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to green Li-ion battery power, today announced it will exhibit at the International GSE Expo 2023 September 26 through September 28 in Booth 3316 at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Nevada.

Lauded as the premier event dedicated to the advancement of ground support equipment, GSE Expo is one of the most trusted platforms for information exchange, networking, and business development, providing interactive opportunities to see first-hand the products, equipment, and technologies impacting the ground support market today.

“Electric ground support equipment is becoming more pervasive in airports and airfields across the world as more facilities are switching to electric-powered options to save energy, money, and the environment,” said Robin Schneider, Director of Marketing for Green Cubes. “We are at the forefront to facilitate the transition to Lithium batteries and chargers for this equipment, and we look forward to meeting our current and prospective customers at GSE Expo to discuss the continued advancement of our technology.”

Green Cubes will demonstrate its drop-in Lithium SAFEflex batteries for ground support equipment at GSE Expo. Lithium SAFEflex is the integration of Lithium Iron Phosphate cells, electronics, packaging, and a software platform that was designed specifically for the harsh environmental conditions experienced on airfields. In addition to the existing Lithium SAFEflex batteries, Green Cubes offers custom OEM batteries to manufacturers of Ground Support Equipment to meet OEM’s exacting requirements. Lithium SAFEflex batteries also offer fast charging and allow for opportunity-charging without harming the battery.

Register to attend the International GSE Expo here


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power.  Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries.  With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information about Green Cubes Technology, visit www.greencubes.com.

Transforming Ground Operations: The Role of Lithium Batteries in Aviation


The Lithium Battery Revolution

As the aviation industry takes center stage in the ever-evolving landscape of technology, a silent revolution is reshaping the very foundations of power solutions. Welcome to the era of lithium batteries – an epochal shift that’s not just transforming the aviation sector but leaving its indelible mark on various industries.

High Energy Density and Extended Operational Hours: Powering Efficiency

Imagine a pint-sized powerhouse capable of storing an impressive amount of energy. That’s the essence of lithium batteries. Their high energy density is a game-changer, fueling extended operational hours for Ground Support Equipment (GSE) in aviation. This means GSE can perform their vital roles for significantly longer periods before needing a recharge.

The implications are profound. Longer operational hours mean fewer interruptions. GSE can keep performing their tasks without frequent pauses for recharging, thus optimizing their use and minimizing disruptions in the meticulously choreographed dance of ground operations. Efficiency soars, and the symphony of aviation on the ground harmonizes seamlessly.

Rapid Charging for Uninterrupted Momentum

In the fast-paced realm of aviation, every minute counts. Lithium batteries excel in this domain with their remarkable ability to rapidly charge. Picture this: GSE returning to action swiftly, almost like a sprinter getting back on track after a short break. This rapid charging capability slices through downtime, ensuring that the rhythm of operations remains unbroken.

Enhanced turnaround times for flights become the norm. GSE downtime is reduced to a minimum, ushering in a new level of operational efficiency. The result? Increased productivity that ripples through the aviation ecosystem, propelling flights forward with newfound momentum.

Reliability Redefined: Reduced Maintenance, Enhanced Confidence

Reliability forms the backbone of seamless ground operations. Enter lithium batteries with their robust design and minimal maintenance requirements. These batteries aren’t just powerhouses; they are dependable workhorses that offer a higher level of operational trustworthiness.

With reduced maintenance needs, GSE operators can breathe a sigh of relief. The lowered demand for upkeep translates to not only cost savings but also instills a sense of confidence in the execution of ground operations. Imagine a symphony where each instrument plays its part flawlessly, secure in its reliability. That’s the impact of lithium batteries on aviation ground support.

In the world of aviation, where precision, efficiency, and reliability reign supreme, lithium batteries have emerged as the orchestrators of change. With their high energy density, rapid charging capabilities, and enhanced dependability, these batteries are rewriting the rulebook of ground operations. As the aviation industry charts a course toward a greener and more efficient future, lithium batteries stand as the cornerstone of this transformative journey. So, let’s embrace this revolution and watch as the symphony of aviation ground operations reaches new heights, powered by the unassuming yet formidable lithium battery.

Industrial Lithium Batteries: Tailoring Solutions for Aviation GSE

When it comes to the aviation industry, precision and adaptability are the name of the game. Picture it as a grand dance, where each step is crucial. Enter industrial lithium batteries, ready to perform in sync with the demanding rhythm of Ground Support Equipment (GSE).

Customization for the Ultimate Fit

Just as a dancer’s shoes must fit perfectly, GSE solutions must be tailored to fit their specific roles. Industrial lithium batteries offer this exact fit. They are like a bespoke suit for your equipment, allowing you to customize energy capacity, voltage levels, and even form factors. This adaptability means that the transition to lithium battery-powered GSE is smooth, almost like adding the final piece to a puzzle without disrupting the overall picture.

Say you need a specific energy boost for baggage loaders or precise voltage levels for aircraft tugs. Industrial lithium batteries are up to the task, aligning seamlessly with GSE applications and ensuring that every piece of the aviation puzzle falls into place.

Integration, Compatibility, and Safety First

Transitioning to a new power solution can feel like learning a new dance routine. Will the moves sync up? Will it be safe? Industrial lithium batteries eliminate these worries by taking a step-by-step approach to integration.

They are designed to seamlessly integrate with existing GSE systems. Imagine it as seamlessly blending a new dancer into a well-rehearsed performance – no awkward steps, just pure harmony. Moreover, safety takes center stage. These batteries come with robust safety features, including mechanisms to prevent overheating and cutting-edge cell monitoring systems. It’s like having a vigilant backstage crew ensuring that every move is executed flawlessly.

Advancing Sustainability: Lithium Batteries and Environmental Impact

The aviation industry’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond the skies, encompassing every facet of operations. Lithium batteries play a pivotal role in minimizing the environmental footprint of ground operations.

A Greener Alternative

Lithium batteries present a greener alternative to traditional power sources. With zero emissions and a significantly reduced carbon footprint compared to conventional solutions, they align with the aviation industry’s ambitious environmental goals.

Lifecycle Analysis: The Comparative Advantage

An in-depth assessment of the lifecycle of lithium batteries versus conventional power solutions reveals a compelling narrative. The extended lifespan, reduced maintenance requirements, and lower energy consumption of lithium batteries make them a smart and environmentally-conscious choice for aviation ground operations.

Navigating Challenges and Embracing the Future

Overcoming Resistance: A Dance of Change

Every revolution faces skeptics, every new dance step encounters initial resistance. Embracing innovation, like introducing lithium batteries to ground operations, often encounters a few raised eyebrows. It’s like teaching an old dance a new move. To ensure a seamless transition, it’s crucial to address the concerns head-on.

Misconceptions are like obstacles on the dance floor. By shedding light on the tangible benefits of lithium batteries, we clear the path. Imagine it as guiding your partner through a tricky sequence – explaining how the new steps actually enhance the overall routine. It’s about showing that these batteries bring efficiency, reliability, and a touch of finesse to the intricate performance of ground operations.

Empowering the Team: Elevating Skills

In the world of aviation, proficiency is key. Just as dancers refine their technique, the workforce needs the right skills to unlock the full potential of lithium battery-powered equipment. It’s like learning a new dance style – it might feel unfamiliar at first, but with the right training, it becomes second nature.

Comprehensive training programs for GSE operators and maintenance personnel ensure that they are well-versed in handling lithium battery-powered equipment. Think of it as honing a dancer’s technique – making sure every move is executed flawlessly. With the team empowered and skilled, the dance of ground operations evolves into a graceful masterpiece.

Resilience in the Face of Challenges: Backup Moves

In the dance of aviation ground support, interruptions are the unwelcome guests. But what if you had backup moves ready to take center stage? Lithium batteries offer just that. With their rapid charging capabilities and seamless integration, they become the ultimate backup dancers, ensuring uninterrupted operations even in challenging scenarios.

It’s like having a plan B for every step – a safety net that keeps the performance going no matter what. These batteries, with their quick charging prowess, minimize downtime, and their seamless integration ensures that operations continue to flow seamlessly. Just as a skilled dancer can seamlessly transition to a different move, lithium batteries ensure that ground operations remain steady and resilient.

Embracing a Transformed Future: Lithium Batteries in Aviation Ground Operations

So, to the aviation ground support equipment community, a challenge is posed: Embrace innovation, explore the uncharted territories of industrial lithium batteries, and join the ranks of those who are transforming the skies from the ground up. Together, let’s usher in an era of greener, more efficient, and more resilient aviation operations. 

Let’s go beyond the ordinary, and let’s go green with Green Cubes.

Green Cubes is dedicated to providing advanced lithium battery solutions that drive efficiency, reliability, and sustainability in aviation ground support equipment. Visit our website to explore how our innovative battery systems can transform your ground operations.

Workplace: Green Cubes Announces Preferred Supplier Agreement with Doosan

Green Cubes Technology, a leader in Lithium-ion (Li-ion) power systems, has been selected by Doosan Industrial Vehicle America Corporation (DIVAC) to support its electric forklift line. DIVAC supplies top-notch material handling equipment through a network of authorized dealers in North America. With over 250 sales and service locations, Doosan’s authorized dealers span the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Green Cubes will provide its advanced Lithium SAFEFlex batteries and chargers for DIVAC’s electric industrial trucks. This partnership showcases the commitment to sustainable energy solutions in the industrial vehicle sector.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Forklift Action: Green Cubes to Power Doosan Forklifts

Green Cubes Technology has secured a pivotal role as the preferred power systems vendor for Doosan Industrial Vehicle America (DIVAC) in North America. This partnership signifies Green Cubes’ provision of lithium SAFEFlex batteries and chargers across Doosan’s extensive industrial product range. With a comprehensive lineup of 133 models featuring various engine and battery configurations, encompassing both internal combustion and electric-powered vehicles, Green Cubes’ advanced SAFEFlex lithium-ion power systems offer seamless integration, enabling a smooth transition from lead-acid batteries and internal combustion engines.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

MHI: Green Cubes Announces Preferred Supplier Agreement with Doosan

Green Cubes Technology, a leader in Lithium-ion (Li-ion) power systems, has been chosen as the preferred power systems provider for Doosan Industrial Vehicle America Corporation (DIVAC). This collaboration underlines Green Cubes’ expertise in transitioning from traditional power sources to eco-friendly Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries. DIVAC, a major supplier of material handling equipment, relies on an extensive network of authorized dealers across North America. With over 250 sales and service locations operated by Doosan’s authorized dealers, this partnership emphasizes the commitment to sustainable energy solutions. As per the agreement, Green Cubes will supply its advanced Lithium SAFEFlex batteries and chargers to support Doosan’s electric industrial trucks, showcasing the industry’s move towards greener alternatives.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Insight Supply Chain: Green Cubes Announces Preferred Supplier Agreement with Doosan

As part of the arrangement, Green Cubes will supply Doosan’s electric industrial trucks with its Lithium SAFEFlex batteries and chargers.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Aviation Pros: Green Cubes Announces Preferred Supplier Agreement with Doosan

Green Cubes Technology, a leader in Lithium-ion (Li-ion) power systems, has been selected by Doosan Industrial Vehicle America Corporation (DIVAC) as their preferred power systems vendor. This collaboration emphasizes Green Cubes’ expertise in facilitating the transition from conventional lead-acid batteries and internal combustion engines (ICE) to greener Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery power. DIVAC, a prominent supplier of material handling equipment, will benefit from Green Cubes’ advanced Lithium SAFEFlex batteries and chargers to support its electric forklift product line, encompassing over 133 models with various engine/battery configurations. This partnership underscores the drive toward sustainable energy solutions in the industrial vehicle sector.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Modern Materials Handling: Green Cubes Announces Preferred Supplier Agreement with Doosan

Green Cubes Technology, a prominent player in the field of Lithium-ion (Li-ion) power systems, has taken a significant step in the transition towards sustainable energy solutions. The company’s expertise lies in enabling the shift from conventional lead-acid batteries and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to more environmentally friendly Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery technology. This progress has been underscored by an important development: Doosan Industrial Vehicle America Corporation (DIVAC) has designated Green Cubes as their preferred power systems provider. This partnership is set to reinforce Doosan’s electric forklift product line, aligning with the growing demand for cleaner energy options. DIVAC, a respected supplier of top-notch material handling equipment, operates through an extensive network of authorized dealers across North America. As part of the agreement, Green Cubes will supply its advanced Lithium SAFEFlex batteries and chargers, solidifying its role in powering electric industrial trucks within the DIVAC portfolio.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Material Handling Wholesaler: Green Cubes Announces Preferred Supplier Agreement with Doosan

Green Cubes Technology has announced a significant partnership with Doosan Industrial Vehicle America Corporation (DIVAC) to supply Lithium SAFEFlex batteries for Doosan’s electric forklift product line. As the exclusive Lithium-ion battery provider, Green Cubes will support Doosan’s efforts to transition from lead-acid batteries and Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) to environmentally friendly Lithium-ion battery power. Doosan, a leading provider of material handling equipment across North America, selected Green Cubes due to their comprehensive solutions, including batteries and chargers, making the transition from Lead Acid to Lithium easy for customers. The Lithium SAFEFlex batteries are designed for durability, performance, and efficiency, tailored to the demands of industrial vehicles in warehouse environments. This partnership highlights Doosan’s commitment to greener and more efficient power solutions for their fleet, with Green Cubes being their preferred choice for this transition.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.