Tag Archives: Material Handling

Revolutionizing Material Handling: Embracing Lithium Batteries for Optimal Efficiency

material handling

In the intricate dance of modern industrial operations, material handling takes center stage. Think about it: the seamless movement of goods and materials within a facility isn’t just a task – it’s a finely tuned process that keeps the gears of productivity turning. But it’s not without its challenges. Traditional lead-acid batteries, which have powered material handling equipment for ages, come with their own set of limitations. Now, enter lithium batteries – a game-changing solution that’s reshaping how we handle materials and opening doors to a more efficient and eco-friendly future.

Understanding Material Handling Challenges

Imagine a bustling warehouse – crates being shifted, machinery on the move, all with the goal of making sure things get where they need to be. But here’s the catch: traditional lead-acid batteries, the powerhouses behind these machines, have a weighty downside. They’re heavy, which means the equipment they power isn’t as nimble as it could be. Plus, their energy efficiency isn’t exactly top-notch. This all translates to longer downtimes and less-than-optimal productivity.

The Rise of Lithium Batteries in Material Handling

But there’s a new kid on the block – industrial lithium-ion batteries. They’re the sleek, high-performance cousins of those lead-acid batteries. They’ve been grabbing attention for all the right reasons. These industrial lithium-ion batteries (or simply, lithium batteries) bring a fresh breeze of benefits to the table, shaking up the material handling game.

Unveiling the Advantages of Lithium Batteries

Enhanced Energy Density and Longer Runtime

Think of lithium batteries as your material handling equipment’s secret power vaults. These compact energy dynamos redefine the game by packing significantly more energy into the same amount of space compared to their old-school lead-acid counterparts. The result? Extended runtime for your equipment – a game-changer for productivity. With lithium batteries on your side, you can wave goodbye to those frequent pit stops for recharging. Instead, you’ll enjoy seamless, uninterrupted operations that keep your workflow flowing smoothly.

Faster Charging and Reduced Downtime

Picture this: your equipment taking a power nap, and before you know it, it’s back in action. That’s the magic of lithium batteries’ supercharged charging capabilities. These batteries have a need for speed, revving up their energy levels much faster than their predecessors. Say farewell to those lengthy, yawn-inducing charging sessions that used to put the brakes on your operations. With lithium batteries, you’re in for quicker turnarounds, less waiting, and more precious time dedicated to getting the job done.

Lightweight Design and Space Optimization

Let’s talk about shedding some pounds – battery pounds, that is. Lithium batteries bring a breath of fresh air to your equipment’s design. Their lightweight nature means your machinery gains an edge in agility and maneuverability. Imagine equipment that’s nimbler on its feet, ready to tackle tight corners and confined spaces with finesse. But that’s not all – the space you save with these lightweight powerhouses opens up new dimensions of optimization. You’ll have the freedom to fine-tune your workspace, maximize storage, and streamline your material handling setup, all while keeping bulky battery bulk at bay.

Environmental Benefits of Lithium Batteries

Lower Carbon Footprint

In our world of eco-conscious decisions, lithium batteries shine as champions of sustainability. Here’s the deal: when you opt for lithium batteries, you’re making a tangible impact on the environment. These batteries are energy-efficient beasts, meaning they gobble up less power while delivering the same – if not more – output. Less energy consumption translates to fewer emissions, making them a smart choice for reducing your carbon footprint. It might seem like a small switch, but the ripple effect on the planet is significant.

Longer Lifespan and Reduced Waste

Let’s talk longevity. Lithium batteries have a longer shelf life compared to their lead-acid counterparts. That means fewer replacements over time. Why does this matter? Well, fewer replacements mean less waste piling up. You’re not just saving money; you’re also curbing the amount of electronic waste making its way to landfills. It’s a win-win for your wallet and the planet.

Sustainable Materials and Recycling

Now, let’s peek behind the curtain. Many lithium batteries are crafted using materials that play nice with Mother Earth. Think of it as a nod to responsible manufacturing. But here’s where it gets even better – when these batteries reach the end of their life cycle, recycling steps in. Advanced recycling technologies swoop in to salvage valuable components, giving these batteries a second lease on life. It’s a sustainable cycle that ensures less waste and more eco-friendly energy solutions.

In a nutshell, choosing lithium batteries isn’t just about boosting your equipment’s performance; it’s a conscious step towards a cleaner, greener future. Your material handling operations become not only more efficient but also aligned with eco-responsibility.

Leading the Charge: Innovations by Lithium Battery Companies

And now, let’s talk innovation. Companies like Green Cubes are taking the lead in the lithium battery revolution. They’re not just selling batteries; they’re pushing boundaries. Green Cubes’ lithium battery solutions are like tech wizards for your equipment. They’re all about optimizing performance, keeping an eye on battery health, and making sure everything runs safely and efficiently.

Overcoming Challenges and Considerations

But hey, we’re not here to sugarcoat things. Transitioning to lithium batteries comes with its own set of challenges – initial costs and infrastructure tweaks, to name a few. But here’s the deal: the long-term benefits far outweigh these hurdles. Think efficient operations, reduced maintenance headaches, and a thumbs-up for the planet.

Navigating the Future of Material Handling with Lithium Batteries

Peek into the future, and what do you see? The role of lithium batteries in material handling is only going to get bigger. Imagine even more efficiency, longer lifespans, and a greener footprint. By embracing this change, you’re not just keeping up with the times – you’re leading the way toward smarter, more sustainable material handling.

Green Cubes: Empowering Sustainable Material Handling

But wait, there’s a hero in this story – Green Cubes. They’re not just any battery company; they’re the driving force behind a new era of material handling. With their advanced lithium battery solutions, they’re not only shaping the future – they’re creating it. It’s not just about power; it’s about empowering you to be more efficient, more eco-friendly, and ahead of the curve.

Unleash the Power of Lithium Batteries with Green Cubes. Join the Revolution Today

Power Systems Design: Putting Batteries in Parallel? Better Watch Out for These Failure Modes

Battery management systems are designed to protect batteries from abuse by turning off the output when connected to a load or charger. This action can become a nuisance when batteries are not designed to connect to other batteries

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Forklift Action: Considerations for Li-ion as an Alternative to Propane Powered Lift Trucks

Propane powered lift trucks have long been considered a good option for indoor or mixed indoor/outdoor heavy use applications. Cleaner burning than diesel, propane provided an internal combustion engine (ICE) solution without some of the limitations of older battery technology like swapping batteries and watering. However, as motors have switched to AC power and Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have become available for fast charging, the need for propane is waning. Some applications, like food, pharmaceutical or underground facilities are required to use electric forklifts and electric forklifts also have a lower cost of ownership in the long term. The change is accelerated by environmental legislation such as that from the California Air Resources Board (CARB). In this white paper, Green Cubes Technology outlines the pros and cons of propane versus modern Li-ion technology, what makes Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) the safest option, and how batteries can use opportunity charging to obtain similar efficiencies to propane.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Power Magazine: Driving on Electric Avenue —Innovation Pushes Energy Transformation

A seismic shift is ongoing in the energy space, as transportation, industry, and other sectors turn toward electricity and away from fossil fuels to supply their power. Our director of marketing Robin Schneider shares her thoughts with POWER magazine on the push for electrification.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Electrification is Key at ProMat 23 – the Biggest Supply Chain Event in its History

Electrification is Key at ProMat 23 - the Biggest Supply Chain Event in its History

ProMat 2023, the largest international material handling, logistics and supply chain event, drew more than 50,000 attendees to Chicago’s McCormick Place last week. With over 1,000 exhibitors across 500,000 square feet, last week’s conference was the largest ProMat event to-date. Our new CEO Mike Walsh was at the show and took advantage of connecting with many of our customers and partners in-person. Mike’s depth of background in energy and industrial businesses, coupled with his breadth of C-level leadership experience uniquely positions him to lead Green Cubes through this time of sustained exponential growth as we continue to provide our customers with all the requirements of a modern electrification ecosystem.

Battery technology for electric material handling equipment continues to be of great interest to this industry. The Green Cubes booth had a consistent flow of traffic with attendees wanting to learn more about our Lithium SAFEFlex Battery & Charger solutions.

We are proud to be Doosan Industrial Vehicle America Corp.’s preferred supplier of Lithium-ion solutions, and our products were showcased in its electric forklifts in our booth, and at Doosan’s booth

 Green Cubes in ProMat 2023 Supply Chain Event

Our Director of Marketing Robin Schneider presented two at-capacity on-floor seminars, where she reviewed how state-of-the art technology Lithium-ion is used today. By using customer case studies, she presented the real-world benefits in safety, efficiency, and total cost of ownership for enterprise customers large and small. These case studies highlighted the benefits achieved using Lithium-ion batteries paired with high efficiency chargers and demonstrate best practices implemented to achieve these benefits

Green Cubes is a founding member of MHI’s Advanced Energy Council, and Robin participated in an on-floor seminar along with representatives from OneCharge and Ethium to discuss integrated Lithium batteries in electric material handling equipment. This panel reviewed the different types, standards and benefits of this technology.

We look forward to another great ProMat event in 2024!

 Green Cubes in ProMat 2023 Supply Chain Event

Why Our Lithium Systems Are Safe for the Material Handling Market


In the battery power market today there is a myriad of available battery types to choose from. It’s a critical decision which not only impacts how well the product will operate but also how safely it can operate. Factors such as how much power is required, the time required to charge, operating temperatures, operating environment, packaging dimensions, and weight are all examples of key parameters that must be considered.

The Material Handling / Motive Power battery market requires some of the highest power products in the world so safety is a key parameter and necessity.

Safety by Design

The Green Cubes Technology engineering team has extensive experience in working with various battery technologies. This wealth of experience and knowledge of the various available battery technologies was used in selecting the optimal chemistry for the material handling market. By selecting Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) for the Lithium SafeFlex MH batteries the team utilized a lithium chemistry that is first and foremost known for its inherent safety.

Chemical structure

While higher energy lithium chemistries are available, LFP was selected due to its stable chemical make-up. The Phosphate & Oxygen bond is both thermally and chemically stable due to the single-dimensional lattice structure. Its 1 D lattice structure limits how lithium ions are transferred. This transference limitation enables improved stability and cycle life. A demonstration of how much more stable the LFP chemistry is compared to the longer established high energy Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO), i.e. the lithium battery used in consumer electronics, is to compare the thermal runaway temperatures, which are the high temperatures at which the chemistries begin to become unstable and volatile. LCO has a much lower thermal runaway temperature of 150°C (302°F) compared to LFP’s thermal runaway temperature of 270°C (518°F). This large difference shows LFP to be the much safer of the two lithium chemistries.

In addition to chemistry selection, the physical construction is an important parameter to consider in the design selection process. All lithium batteries contain a critical component called the separator, which is placed in between the anode and cathode layers in the electrode. The separator limits the chemical reaction of the electrode and helps to prevent thermal runaways by closing its porous structure at high temperatures. The Green Cubes team has selected cells which incorporate ceramic separators. The ceramic material is resilient at high temperatures and helps prevent the breakdown of the separator that occurs during a thermal runaway event.

Safety by Product Experience

Over the past 20 years, Green Cubes Technology has designed and produced millions of lithium battery systems along with other chemistries such as NiMH, NiCd, and lead acid. Green Cubes has lifesaving batteries integrated in Lexus vehicles, mines, hospitals, and a multitude of other industrial and rough environment applications. Our Lithium SafeFlex batteries have specifically been utilized in onroad trucks in the US, electric vehicles across India, and in the material handling industry over the past 4 years. With over 30 years experience in Power, Green Cubes is an engineering driven company with its top focus on safety.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Best Practices for Using Lithium-Ion in Cold Storage Facilities


SAFEFlex is a drop-in replacement lithium-ion battery for lead acid battery power for electric material handling equipment. Temperature-controlled supply chain is more important than ever during with today’s volatile supply chain. On-line ordering of pre-prepared food, beverage clubs, and medicine distribution are all increasing the need for cold-chain technology. Lithium-ion batteries charge faster, and opportunistically, and have longer run-time than traditional lead acid batteries, optimizing equipment utilization Batteries don’t need to be swapped, watered, or equalized at room temperature, so maintenance is simplified. Cold-temperature cycle life is vastly improved for a lower total cost of ownership. This is a brief overview of how to implement and take advantage of this new technology.

The Cold Chain

Many products require constant refrigeration. Medicines, foods and beverages require cold transportation as well as storage and there is an increased strain on the cold storage industry as it adapts to increased fluctuations in response to on-line consumer habits, such as the new popularity of pre-prepared meal kits. For cold storage the insulated vehicle cargo area needs to be kept at a sub-zero temperature and the material handling equipment needs to operated within a refrigerated or freezer space.

The Challenges of Lead Acid Batteries:

Electric material handling equipment is favored for
indoor environments, but traditional lead-acid batteries pose significant challenges, e specially at extremely cold temperatures. The extreme cold temperatures can cause the battery electrolyte to freeze which lowers the usable capacity of the battery, as seen in the accompanying graph, which uses information commonly provided by lead-acid battery manufacturers. In addition, there is permanent damage to the battery and greatly shortening the battery’s cycle life.

…In order to operate the material handling equipment at such a low temperature, the fleet is connected to an electrical grid at night, resulting in significant under utilization.

In addition to normal maintenance, watering and cleaning the acid residue typical of flooded lead acid batteries, traditionally, in order to operate the material handling equipment at such a low temperature, the fleet is connected to an electrical grid at night, resulting in significant under utilization. Charge time for lead acid batteries is long and time is required to equilibrate the equipment between temperature extremes. If care is not taken, condensation can occur on the equipment creating icy and dangerous conditions for workers.

Implementing Li-ion Technology:

Unlike lead acid cells, Li-ion battery packs offer a complete solution with integrated smart communication, charging, and heaters to keep the battery at an optimum temperature. Green Cubes Technologies’ Lithium SafeFlex is a drop in replacement for lead-acid batteries with excellent cold temperature performance, high cycle life and safe operation.

When the battery temperature is lowered, the intelligent control system enables the heaters to prevent the battery temperature from reaching a temperature too low to charge and prevent cell damage.

When compared to traditional lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries charge faster, last longer, and deliver more usable energy with each discharge. Batteries don’t need to be swapped, watered, or equalized at room temperature, streamlining operations

The charge system (or cables) can be brought into the cold storage area, so that the temperature equilibration is not required and there is no more risk of dangerous condensation. Full charge time is only one hour and charging can be performed opportunistically. The same equipment is used for multiple shifts with no down-time, so the number of vehicles required is lowered and operating costs are lessened.

The zero maintenance SAFEFlex makes it possible to forklifts and other material handling equipment without interruption.

SAFEFlex batteries increase the velocity of distribution businesses with existing fleets of MH equipment including Walkie Pallet Jacks, End Riders, Narrow Aisle Forklifts, 3-4 Wheel Counterbalance Trucks, large Turrets, and other equipment. When compared to traditional lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries charge faster, last longer, and deliver more usable energy with each discharge. Batteries don’t need to be swapped, watered, or equalized at room temperature, streamlining operations and increasing efficiency at cold storage facilities.

SAFEFlex enables 100% uptime and utilization of your material handling equipment in cold storage and sub-zero environments.

Lead Acid Li-Ion (LFP) Advantage of Li-Ion Batteries
Cycle Life Low (~500-1000 cycles) High (3000+ cycles) Install battery for life of truck (no more swaps)
Charging Time Slow (8 hours+) Fast (60-90 minutes max) Opportunity charge on-the-fly
Charge Efficiency Low (~75%) High (98%) Lower electrical power costs
Energy/Volume Ratio 80 Wh/L 300-350 Wh/L Smaller batteries
Energy/Weight Ratio 30-50 Wh/Kg 90-120 Wh/Kg Lighter batteries & trucks reduce wear on power train
Partial Charging Reduces battery life No effect on battery life Reduce down-time for battery charging
Consistent Voltage Output Moderate High Extendes motor life, lowers motor maintenance
Depth of Discharge Moderate High More run time per battery
Cold Temperature Performance Low High More run time and less condensation in truck

Advantages of SAFEFlex for Cold Storage Usage:

  • There is no cold-temperature capacity loss with integrated battery heaters.
  • One-hour fast charging is enabled within the cold storage area (to -40 degrees).
  • Forklifts will never leave the freezer, and palletjacks can be charged in refrigerated trailers, so risks from condensation are minimized.
  • A permanently installed battery can support 24/7 continuous operation with an opportunity charging regime.
  • Maintenance is minimal, unlike lead acid batteries.
  • Cycle-life enables a useful product life of up to ten years
  • A distribution partner with the knowledge to implement and maintain the battery systems makes execution easy and seamless.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Modern Materials Handling: Promat Show Preview

Discover the latest trends and insights in educational technology by reading our exclusive article! Learn how Next-Generation Managed Services Providers are taking educational technology to the next level, and how managed IT services for education can benefit your institution. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to stay ahead of the curve – read our article now!

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Warehousing Logistics International: Effective Opportunity Charging for Material Handling Equipment

Although opportunity charging is not new in this market, lithium improves upon the existing concept; it brings is a true fast opportunity charge because Lithium can truly be charged in a one-hour timeframe. Allowing the operator the freedom to just plug the battery in during a lunch or break and a short break is really can bring 25 percent back to the battery or more being on the brake. Lithium enables a 24/7 operation without having to do battery swaps. Also, there’s no degradation with overcharging or undercharging because the lithium batteries are protected by the battery management system. They’re able to be continuously plugged in during off periods. The operator doesn’t have to worry about the state of charge, and it is kept at an optimal state of charge. There’s no worry about having an overcharge battery, allowing for disruption of routines.

Opportunity charging is a practice applicable to both Lead Acid and Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries for motive power systems and especially useful for Material Handling (MH) equipment. Fast charging is a key differentiator for Lithium-ion batteries. Because the chemistry allows fast charging without damaging cycle life, batteries can be charged opportunistically during breaks and don’t require battery swaps.

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Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Reduce Workplace Injuries with Li-ion Batteries for Material Handling


Workplace injuries are all-too common in the warehouses and battery maintenance for material handling equipment is a typical culprit. The ongoing maintenance required to keep flooded lead acid batteries running presents a danger to the workers tasked with charging, watering and changing batteries. Batteries power equipment on construction sites, in tractors, trucks and automobiles, and most of them contain hazardous substances like lead and sulfuric acid. Unless workers who maintain, recharge, and operate batteries know the risks and how to mitigate them, they can suffer severe workplace injuries. New Lithium-ion batteries eliminate most of these issues because they are self-contained and maintenance free. Iron phosphate, a subset of Li-ion is the safest chemistry available, and its long cycle life means that it will last the lifetime of the truck.

Learn about:

  • Hazards and precautions for lead acid batteries
  • The safety features of Li-ion batteries
  • The advantages of iron-phosphate Li-ion batteries

Lead acid batteries: Hazards, Precautions and Maintenance

The charging of lead-acid batteries is hazardous, but many workers may not remember this since the activity is so routine.
The three most common risks are from hydrogen gas formed when the battery is being charged, the sulfuric acid in the battery fluid- with exposure from spills and leaks, and physical injuries from the batteries’ weight. Repetitive use injuries, such as sprains and strains are common, but unfortunately the highly corrosive electrolytes in batteries can cause respiratory irritation, eye damage, skin irritation, and it can even erode tooth enamel. The sheer size of material handling batteries means that crush injuries also occur during battery changes. The corrosive electrolyte material is shown in the first image below of a damaged lead acid battery.
This is an overview of the risky maintenance for lead-acid batteries:

  • The fluid level is extremely important and a safe level requires regular watering. Overwatering and underwatering can both damage the battery. If too much water was added before charging, the electrolyte levels will expand and cause the battery to overflow and damage the battery.
  • Conventional batteries contain a liquid “electrolyte” which is a mixture of sulfuric acid and water. The plates in a lead battery contain an active material that should be continuously bathed in electrolytes while oxygen and hydrogen gas are released during charging.
  • When batteries are being recharged, they generate hydrogen gas that is explosive in certain concentrations in air, so the ventilation system must provide enough fresh air to prevent an explosion.
  • The electrical voltage created by batteries can ignite flammable materials and cause severe burns. Workers have been injured and killed when loose or sparking battery connections ignited gasoline and solvent fumes during vehicle maintenance.
  • Wear personal protection equipment such as protective eyewear and gloves when working on batteries. To avoid splashing acid, personal protective equipment such as chemical splash goggles and a face shield must be worn.
  • First aid facilities, eye wash stations, and emergency showers are necessary to reduce the severity of accidental contacts.

Safety Features of Li-ion batteries

Li-ion batteries are becoming more and more common because of their long cycle life and short charge times, but they also greatly reduce the risk to the workforce when they are implemented in a warehouse environment. Li-ion batteries are made up of cells, just like lead acid batteries. Large format Li-ion cells, used to manufacture batteries used for motive applications, are shown in the picture. The cells have an anode and a cathode with a separator and electrolyte in between. Unlike flooded lead acid cells, the li-ion cells are sealed and have many safety factors designed in them. The cathode material is the main determining factor in the cell’s performance. In the battery power market today there is a myriad of available battery cathode chemistries to choose from. It is a critical decision which not only impacts how well the product will operate but also how safely it can operate. Factors such as how much power is required, the time required to charge, operating temperatures, operating environment, packaging dimensions, and weight are all examples of key parameters that must be considered.

Li-ion batteries are becoming more and more common because of their long cycle life and short charge times, but they also greatly reduce the risk to the workforce when they are implemented in a warehouse environment.

While higher energy li-ion chemistries are available, Lithium iron phosphate (LFP) is safest with the longest cycle life due to its stable chemical make-up. A demonstration of how much more stable the LFP chemistry is compared to the high energy Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO), used in consumer electronics, is to compare the thermal runaway temperatures- the high temperatures at which the chemistries begin to become unstable and volatile. LCO has a much lower thermal runaway temperature of 150°C (302°F) compared to LFP’s thermal runaway temperature of 270°C (518°F). This large difference shows LFP to be the much safer of the two lithium chemistries.

High energy density is important for battery systems which need to be smaller and lightweight. A more modern cathode chemistry than LCO is Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC). NMC is the result of an attempt to balance safety and performance. A version of NMC is the chemistry is utilized in automotive EV battery systems today. EV batteries utilize higher voltages and with the higher energy available, additional safety measures and control must be implemented. The cells heat up quicker, so proper charging is critical.

With larger industrial, motive power battery systems, space is available for the larger batteries, and weight is actually needed for the counterbalance systems. Fast charging is critical and LFP accommodating lead acid charging helps with systems safety. Cycle life and safety is prioritized. The lower voltage of LFP is good match for Lead Acid replacement. This and the tolerance of Lead Acid charging systems make LFP the safest backward compatible option for material handling batteries.

The physical construction of the cell also affects its safety. All lithium batteries contain a critical component called the separator, which is placed in between the anode and cathode layers in the electrode. The separator limits the chemical reaction of the electrode and helps to prevent thermal runaways by closing its porous structure at high temperatures. The safest Li-ion cells incorporate ceramic separators. The ceramic material is resilient at high temperatures and helps prevent the breakdown of the separator that occurs during a thermal runaway event.

The electronics of the Li-ion battery also provide protection against safety events, with incorporated fuses and protection against over-charge, over-discharge and high and low temperature charging. These battery “smarts,” combined with the long cycle life and short charge time seamlessly integrate with the material handling equipment. The fact that the battery is virtually maintenance free over the life-time of the truck, eliminates the possibility for user error and greatly reduces the risks in the workplace.

With larger industrial, motive power battery systems, space is available for the larger batteries, and weight is actually needed for the counterbalance systems. Fast charging is critical and LFP accommodating lead acid charging helps with systems safety


Parameter Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) Comparison
Voltage 3.2 V 3.7 V NMC Batteries are lighter and more compact
Weight Energy Density 90-120 Wh/Kg 150-250 Wh/Kg
Volume Energy Density 300-350 Wh/L 500-700 Wh/L
Max Discharge Rate 30C 2C LFP Batteries provide more power over a shorter period, and can be charged faster
Max Charge Rate 10C 0.5C
Typical Cycle Life (@80%) 3000+ Cycles 500-1000 Cycles LFP Batteries will deliver more cycles over a longer calendar life
Calendar Life (@80%) 8-10 Years **4-5 Years
Thermal Runaway Onset* ~195 °C ~170 °C NMC Batteries have lower thermal runaway thresholds and will burn hotter
Thermal Runaway Increase* 210 °C 500 °C
* Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014 ** With derated charge voltage


Our engineers can help you identify areas of your operation where Lithium SAFEFlex can make the most impact, based on how you use your fleet:

  1. We’ll evaluate your facility to see where changing from Lead Acid to Li-ion will most impact your organization. Our analysis will cover number of vehicles, number of shifts, charging information, and major improvements you’d like to see.
  2. We’ll provide a quote to demonstrate that there will be a cost savings associated with the change to Li-ion and it’s safety benefits, then we’ll provide a trial system with monitoring software to validate the savings.


Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures a complete portfolio of lithium power systems that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable lithium battery systems in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality products since 1986. For more information, email info@greencubestech.com or visit greencubestech.com.

Green Cubes Announces IEC Certification of 48 Volt Lithium-Ion Battery Backup Units for Telecom and Data Center Market

Lithium Guardian Batteries provide safe, reliable, low cost energy storage for mission critical system operators

KOKOMO, IND. December 7, 2022 – Green Cubes, the leader in producing Lithium-ion (Li-ion) power systems that facilitate the transition from lead-acid batteries and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to green Li-ion battery power, today announced International Safety Certification IEC 62368 certification of the Lithium Guardian Battery Backup Units. The Lithium Guardian family of backup batteries are designed for rack mount installations in the Telecom and Data Center industries.

The Telecom and Data Center facilities operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, supporting mission critical functions. Traditionally, large lead-acid batteries are used to provide backup power. Li-ion batteries allow operators to store more energy in smaller spaces to power equipment longer when the grid power goes is unavailable. Lithium Guardian batteries serve this market by providing safe, clean, and reliable backup power in a small, lightweight, and cost-effective package.

The Guardian product family provides complete power system solutions to telecom and other 48V system operators with products providing rectification, power management, and energy storage. The Lithium Guardian Battery Unit (GBU) is a 48V, 105 Ah, 5kWh Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) battery offering reliable energy storage in a small lightweight form factor. With a design life of over 10 years, and well over 3500 cycles the LFP GBU provides operators with a long lasting energy storage solution.

“Safety and reliability are paramount to our requirements when designing Li-ion batteries. We verify our designs are safe and reliable for their application by real world testing and certification to globally recognized IEC standard,” said Mike Davis, Chief Revenue Officer at Green Cubes. “Lithium Guardian Batteries were designed to operate with a wide range of equipment; from radios, routers, to HVAC, our batteries must work. Achieving IEC 62368 assures customers that these batteries will provide power to their equipment safely and reliably.”

IEC 62368 is an internationally recognized standard to verify safety and reliability of electronic devices in telecom applications. The Green Cubes GBU has been evaluated by engineers and tested in the lab to ensure that when integrated in operator systems the battery will remain safe and not adversely affect other equipment. Previously, the Lithium Guardian 3U battery has been tested and certified to UN 38.3 for international shipping. The Guardian Lithium Batteries are currently under evaluation with multiple industrial and telecommunication operators. Commercial shipments are scheduled for December 2022.

To learn more about the Guardian Product family and the Lithium Guardian batteries visit: https://greencubes.com/products/batteries/

About Green Cubes Technology

Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality power solutions since 1986.

Green Cubes Technology Announces Swappable Industrial Battery for Mobile Workstation and Motive Product Manufacturers

Swappable Mobile Power (SMP) portfolio enables the electrification of mobile and motive products with swappable battery technology

KOKOMO, IND. November 17, 2022 – Green Cubes Technology (Green Cubes), the leader in producing Lithium-ion power systems that facilitate the transition from lead-acid batteries and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to green Lithium-ion battery power, today announced its Swappable Mobile Power (SMP) portfolio. The SMP portfolio enables manufacturers to electrify their mobile and motive products utilizing swappable batteries with the leading Lithium-ion battery chemistry. At the center of the portfolio, the Swappable Industrial Battery (Industrial Swappable Battery-1000) offers one of the highest Watt-Hour ratings for swappable Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) batteries on the market today.

Optimized for operator ergonomics and “hot” swapping of portable batteries, the SMP portfolio of products enables the electrification of non-powered mobile carts, such as industrial, medical or educational workstations. Additionally, multiple Swappable Industrial Batteries can be connected to power motive products with high torque requirements, such as Automated Mobile Robots (AMR), pallet jacks, or motorized sleds.

“Green Cubes pioneered the use of swappable batteries for mobile medical workstations and is the market leader in the production of swappable batteries for mobile industrial workstations,” said Mike Davis, Chief Revenue Officer for Green Cubes. “The Swappable Industrial Battery enables mobile workstation and motive product manufacturers to enhance the capabilities of their products and diversify their product line. This includes the electrification of non-powered workstations and motive products, as well as expanding the range of IT devices supported on existing powered workstations.”

The Swappable Industrial Battery is a 48 Volt, 20 Amp-Hour, 1000-Watt Lithium Iron Phosphate battery that offers exceptionally stable voltage under load, high capacity and power delivery in a small lightweight form factor. In addition to its ergonomic and ruggedized design, the watertight battery has an Ingress Protection (IP) rating of 65, which is optimized for both indoor and outdoor environments. Agency and safety approvals include UN 38.3 and IEC 62133.

To complement the Swappable Industrial Battery, the SMP portfolio has a suite of accessories to complete the integration with mobile workstations and motive products, including a battery receiver, power distribution electronics, AC/DC power supplies for charging and DC/AC power inverters to power mobile IT devices.

The SMP products are currently being evaluated by educational and industrial equipment manufacturers and their enterprise customers. Commercial availability is scheduled for the first quarter of 2023.

The Swappable Industrial Battery can deliver 1000 Watts to power mobile and motive equipment.

To learn more about the Swappable Mobile Power (SMP) portfolio; https://greencubes.com/product/industrial-battery-swib-1000/

About Green Cubes Technology

Green Cubes Technology develops and manufactures safe and reliable electrification solutions that enable its OEM and enterprise customers to transition from Lead Acid and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) power to Lithium-ion battery power. Green Cubes utilizes proven hardware and software platforms to build the most reliable Lithium power solutions in its industries. With over 300 employees across six countries, Green Cubes has been producing innovative, high-performance and high-quality power solutions since 1986.