If you visit a hospital hallway or patient room, you will see many portable medical devices mounted on mobile carts or technology workstations, commonly called Workstations-on-Wheels or Computer Carts. These IT devices include laptops, monitors, barcode scanners, printers. A common theme for medical devices integrated onto mobile workstations is a portable power source for uninterrupted power when mobile. Similarly, if you walk the aisles of a Distribution Center (DC) for a large retailer, you will see mobile technology carts typically outfitted with IT devices that require uninterrupted power for continuous operation.
Mobile powered workstations have been used in hospital settings since 2001, when the first mobile workstations were deployed in a Pennsylvania hospital. But prior to 2012, most medical workstations relied on Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) batteries. Fast forward to 2020, medical and industrial workstations continue to mobilize many devices and the underlying power architecture has converged around two competing power configurations – in-base power and swappable battery systems.
Green Cubes designs and manufactures all the components needed for an OEM to produce a powered workstation, including computer cart batteries. For both in-base power or swappable battery configuration, this can include batteries, inverter/controllers resident in the cart and desk-top and/or wall-mount battery chargers.
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