Telecom & Data Center BBU Total Cost of Ownership Calculator

Telecom & Data Center BBU Total Cost of Ownership Calculator

Understand Your Battery System TCO

Operators and owners can achieve an increase in performance and a reduction in maintenance costs by switching from lead acid to our Lithium Guardian Battery Units (GBUs).

Green Cubes offers a free online Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) assessment that is be based on your specific system specifications.  The result of this assessment will identify areas of your operation where Lithium GBUs can make the most impact, as well as demonstrate the system costs you can expect.

You can enter your system information into our online TCO assessment to provide calculate the long-term costs of your battery system. Our analysis is based on basic facility information like the batteries required, expected life, real estate/co-location costs, labor costs, etc.

An example of the data we collect for the TCO assessment is shown to the right.
In summary, Lithium Guardian Battery Units can reduce your Total Cost of Ownership when compared with lead acid batteries.  Savings can be achieved in as little as one year depending on your situation and this assessment can help calculate your savings.

Listed below are some of the operational and capital efficiencies achieved by our enterprise customers.

  • Reduced Footprint – Lithium batteries require up to 50% less floor space for the same runtime as lead acid
  • Reduce Floor Loading – Pack more energy into a smaller space and reduce your floor loading requirements
  • Increase Reliability – Integrated Battery Management Systems monitor every cell and can notify you before a cell failure occurs
  • Less Labor – Lithium batteries require no maintenance, reducing technician trips to sites
  • Complete Dashboard – Remote monitoring allows you to check all your remote batteries from a central office
  • Improved Environmental Conditions – Eliminate lead acid batteries from your facility. Eliminate lead from your environmental footprint
  • Improved Safety Conditions for Associates – Eliminate battery checks and contact with battery electrolyte with sealed, maintenance free lithium
  • Reduced Real Estate Costs – Reduce your lease or co-location costs with energy dense lithium batteries
  • Longer Life – Lithium batteries perform for 10+ years, and provide over 3500 full cycles

Register to use our Interactive TCO Calculator

To get your own personalized TCO Calculation for converting your installation over to Lithium Ion, please complete the form below and we will send you a link to access the calculator.